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Sven Van Poucke

Healthcare - Medical & Dental Practitioners

  • ZOL Genk Schiepse Bos 3600 Genk (Belgium)
  • Laarstraat 5 3740 Beverst (Belgium)

Nationality: Belgian

Work Experiences
Education and Training
Personal Skills
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Personal skills and competences
1.Post-Graduate Course Anesthesiology University Hospital Ghent (Belgium):
11/12/1995: The influence of HBO on the pathophysiology of compromised tissue in general and osteoradionecrosis in specific.
21/10/1996: Oxygen toxicity
02/08/1996 - 04/08/1997: Hyperbaric Oxygen: (introduction for new residents)

2.Post-Graduate Course Neonatology University Hospital Ghent (Belgium)
20/2/1997: Carbon Monoxide Intoxication in Pregnancy

3.Evening Courses Nurses of Oost-Vlaanderen University Hospital Ghent (Belgium)
27/11/1997: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: anno 1997

4.Actualités en reanimation préhospitalière SAMU Lille,
Postgraduate Course Emergency Department University Lille (France)
17/2/1998: Les Torsades de Pointes

5.Les Lundis du SAMU, Actualisation en médecine d\'urgence, SAMU de PARIS, Hôpital Necker
Post Graduate Course Emergency Department University Paris (France)
2/2/1998 : Distresses respiratoires : Apport des nouveaux monitorages.
Respiratory Distress : New Monitoring Techniques
J. Leclerc, S. Van Poucke, P. Goldstein

6. 2de Symposium Multidisciplinaire Aanpak van de Diabetische voet, Universiteit Antwerpen
Symposium on Diabetic Foot Ulcers Antwerp (Belgium)
9-10/10/1998: De rationale voor hyperbare zuurstoftherapie bij de aanpak van de diabetische voet.(The use of Hyperbaric Oxygen for Diabetic Foot Ulcers)

7.De Medische aanpak van Duikongevallen anno 1999
University Antwerp Post Graduate Course Department Anesthesiology and ENT (Belgium)
27/2/1999: Hyperbare zuurstoftherapie, meer dan CO-intoxicatie en duikongevallen alleen.Hyperbaric Oxygen, more than Carbon Monoxide Intoxications and Diving Accidents

8.Fondation Européenne d\'Enseignement en Anesthésiologie (F.E.E.A) Antwerp (Belgium) European Foundation of Education in Anesthesiology
26/03/1999: The Application of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in a University Hospital

9.Meeting Belgian Society for Hyperbaric and Underwater Medicine, Brussels (Belgium)
18/11/1999: The Influence of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Free radical Biology during Ischemia Reperfusion

10.Meeting Diabetic Foot Clinic University Hospital Antwerp (Belgium)
19/11/1999: Transcutaneous Oxygen Measurements in the Multidisc. approach of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

11.Meeting Continuing Medical Education on Differential Diagnosis of Lower Limb Pain: Clinic to Multimedia
27/11/1999: The Future of Multimedia in Medicine Geel (Belgium)

12. Post-Graduate Course Anesthesiology, University Hospital Antwerp (Belgium)
13/12/1999: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in a University Hospital: State of the Art

13. Post-Graduate Course Otorhinolaryngology University Hospital Antwerp (Belgium)
20/12/1999: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: State of the Art

14. Meeting Dutch Society Diving Medicine Marine Hyperbaric Centre Zeebrugge (Belgium)
10/6/2000: Transcutaneous Oximetry for Chronic HBOT Indications

15. 1st International Congress of Polish Society For Emergency Medicine Wroclaw (Poland)
13-16/9/2000: Implantation of HBO in Emergency Department

16. Post-Graduate Course Anesthesiology University Hospital Antwerp (Belgium)
11/10/2000: Indications and Mechanisms of HBO

17. Meeting Nurse Society NVKVV Hengelhoef Houthalen (Belgium)
19/10/2000: Management of Neurotrauma

18. Post-Graduate Course Anesthesiology University Hospital Ghent (Belgium)
25/10/2000: Actual Indications and Physiology of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

19. Meeting of ACTUA Society University Hospital Antwerp (Belgium)
26/10/2000: Hyperbaric oxygen, a useful tool during the earthquake in Golçuk, Turkey?

20. Hyperbaric Program for M.Sc. SABA (Dutch Antilles)
20-21/11/2000: Pharmacodynamics of Hyperbaric Oxygen/
Accepted Indications for HBO in Europe compared with the UHMS Indications/Transcutaneous Oximetry for Chronic HBOT Indications

21. Postgraduate Course in Neurology University Hospital Antwerp (Belgium)
06/09/2001: Neurologic applications of Hyperbaric Oxygen

22. Meeting of Artevelde Hogeschool Ghent on New Trends in Treatments for Diabetic Patients (Belgium)
15/11/01: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Link in the General Approach of Diabetic Ulcers

23. WCS Course on Wound Care Hasselt (Belgium)
21/2/02: Surgical Wound Healing; Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

24. Wound Care Course Katholieke Hogeschool Brussels (Belgium)
17/05/02: Co-factors and Comorbidity in Chronic Wound Healing
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in chronic wounds

25. Postgraduate Course Urology University Hospital Antwerp (Belgium)
09/08/02: Hyperbaric Oxygen and Urology

26. EUBS Pre-Congress Symposium \"Hyperbaric Oxygen in Europe 2002\"; Bruges (Belgium)
04/09/02: Working principles and effects of HBO therapy

27. 8th Symposium on Emergency Medicine Antwerp (Belgium)
23/11/02: Medical Aspects of the Compressed Air Work related to the High Velocity Train Network

28. Postgraduate Course Paediatric Intensive Care Antwerp (Belgium)
19/12/02: Carbon Monoxide Intoxications in Children

29. Diver Medic Course Antwerp (Belgium)
12/01/03: The Treatment of Life Threatening Diving Accidents

30. Flemish Society of Intensive Care Nurses (VVIZV) (Ghent Belgium)14/11/03: The Treatment of the Open Abdomen

31. Second World Union of Wound Healing Societies Meeting (Paris France)
11/07/04: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Wound Care

32. Customers Meeting KCI
07/12/04: Treatment of the Open Abdomen using VAC Technology (Ghent Belgium)

33. Post Graduate Course Intensive Care Medicine University Antwerp (Belgium)
21/02/05: The Treatment of Life Threatening Diving Accidents

34. Fondation Européenne d\'Enseignement en Anesthésiologie (F.E.E.A) (Den Haag The Netherlands) European Foundation of Education in Anesthesiology
11,18/03/05: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in 2005

35. Postgraduate Course Intensive Care Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge-0ostende
06/03/06: Complicated Wound Care on Intensive Care Departments

36. Postgraduate Course: Journale Nationale d\'Enseignement du Diplôme Inter-Universitaire de Médecine Sub-Aquatique et Hyperbare. (Paris France)
31/03/06: Le Syndrome d\';Ischémie-Reperfusion: Influence de l\'Oxygénothérapie Hyperbare :un Etonnant Paradoxe

37. European Week Prostaat Cancer (Raadszaal Provinciehuis Antwerp, Belgium)
16/09/06: Hyperbaric Oxygen and Radiation

38. Recent Advances in the Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
14/06/07: HBO and VAC. Festina Lente, Kattendijkdok, Antwerp Belgium

39. Emerging Ontology Showcase: Session-2 - Thu 16-October-2008 ( "Ontologists and Domain Experts focusing on Chronic Wounds : Different Worlds on the Same Planet?"

40. Woundcare Consultant Society (Hasselt) Belgium - 25th Nov 2008. "Consensus in Wound Asssessment."

41. Limburgse Verzekering Kring - 27th May 2009."Emergency Medicine vs Insurance Companies" Genk

42. European Wound Management Association 2009 Conference
Oral presentation and poster at the EWMA 2009 conference in Helsinki, Finland.
Organisator: EWMA

43. Fifth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress
Titel: The use of the PNEUPAC VR1 and PARAPac® in a hyperbaric environment.
Poster at. Fifth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress Sept Valencia (Spain)
Organisator: The European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM)
and The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM)
14-17 september 2009

44. Permanente Vorming ZOL(PVRA):
22 september 2010
Titel: Hyperbare Zuurstof: update indicatiestelling anno 2010
Organisator: Dr.J.Van Canneyt

45. Department Medicine University Hasselt Belgium
CPR & AED theoretical principles. Hasselt 16/10/2012

46. University Hospital Maastricht (Netherlands): Scientific Day 01/03/2013: Predictors of Bleeding

Posters, poster-discussions :

1.J. Van Aken, S. Van Poucke, M. Ongenae, E. Mortier, G. Rolly, G. De Ley
A propofol based anesthesia impairs the responsiveness of cerebral blood flow to hypocapnia in patients with a brain tumor.
International Anesthesia Research Society, San Francisco 1997

2.M. Ongenae, J. Van Aken, S. Van Poucke, E. Mortier, G. Rolly, G. De Ley
Potential for cerebral hypoperfusion during a propofol based anesthesia combined with moderate hypocapnia.
Brain 1997 XVIIIth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. Baltimore 1997

3.S. Van Poucke, D. Ryckaert, J. Van Aken, G. Rolly, G. De Ley
Age related influence of hypocapnia on cerebral blood flow in neurosurgical patients.
ASA 1997 San Diego (USA)
BSAR 1997 Ghent (Belgium)

4.L. De Baerdemaeker, S. Van Poucke, J. Van Aken, E. Mortier, G. Rolly, G. De Ley
Potential for cerebral hypoperfusion during a propofol or an isoflurane based anesthesia and moderate hypocapnia in neurosurgical patients.
IARS 1998, Anesth Analg 86 : S341, 1998

5.N. Den Blauwen, S. Van Poucke, J. Van Aken, E. Mortier, G. Rolly, G. De Ley
Age related influence of isoflurane and propofol on cerebral CO2 reactivity in neurosurgical patients.
IARS 1998, Anesth Analg 86 : S342, 1998

6.S. Van Poucke, J. Van Aken, E. Mortier, G. Rolly, G. De Ley
The usefulness of hypocapnia as an intracranial pressure decreasing measure in elder neurosurgical patients.
EuroNeuro 1998 Genk (Belgium),
Anesthesia 2000, 1 : N. A. 34, 1998

7.P. Abrams, K Van Acker, S. Van Poucke, T. Argeerts, F. Van den Brand
Evaluation of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Diabetic Wounds: A Retrospective Study.”
Third International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot
5-8 /5/ 1999 Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands)

8.S. Van Poucke, P. Abrams, K. Van Acker, F. Van den Brande, L. Beaucourt
The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in diabetic foot ulcers
19th World Congress of the International Union of Angiology
1-5/5/2000 Ghent (Belgium)

9.S. Offeciers, V. Saldien, S. Van Poucke, K. Vermeyen. H. Adriaensen
Nitrous Oxide Pollution in the Operating Theatre during Paediatric ENT Surgery: a Statistical Analysis of the Influence of Gas Scavenging
Annual Meeting of BSAR
25/11/2000 Brussels (Belgium)
Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 2001, 52 (2): 212

10.S. Van Poucke, B. Stockman, K. Peelaers. P. Van de Heyning, L. Beaucourt
The influence of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) on primary, platelet-related haemostasis.
EUBS Congress September 2002 Bruges (Belgium)

11.S. Van Poucke, B. Stockman, D. Deraedt, L. Beaucourt
Pulmonary Contusion during Scuba Diving
EUBS Congress September 2002 Bruges (Belgium)

12.S. Van Poucke, J. Galicia, B. Stockman, D. Deraedt, L. Beaucourt
The Use of the OXYLATOR EM-100 in a Hyperbaric Environment
EUBS Congress September 2002 Bruges (Belgium)

13.I.O.J Verslegers, B. Stockman, S. Van Poucke, D. Deraedt, B. Op de Beeck, A.M. A. De Schepper
The value of chest radiology in diving-related pulmonary barotraumas: A pictorial essay
European Congress of Radiology 2003 Vienna (Austria)

14.Kris Peelaers, Jurgen Galicia, Sven Van Poucke, Luc Beaucourt
Negative pressure technique (NPT) during hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in diabetic patients: a feasibility experiment
4Th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot
22-24 may 2003, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands

15.S. Mariën F. Scherf, S. Dirckx, S. Van Poucke, F. Wuyts, B. Ars, P. Van De Heyning
Tubomanometry parameters correlated with ear complaints in a population subjected to external pressure changes. Politzer Society Meeting
31/8-4/9 2003 Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

16.I.O.J. Verslegers, S. Van Poucke, B. Stockman, W. Tjalma, M. Van Goethem, A. De Schepper, P.M. Parizel The importance of radiological imaging of mammary implants after simulation of recreational diving conditions. European Congress of Radiology
5-9/3 2004 Vienna (Austria)

17. Galicia J., Van Poucke S., Peelaers K., Beaucourt L.
Performance of Safety Stops
30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society
15-19/9 2004 Ajaccio (Corsica; France)

18. Peelaers K., Van Poucke S., Galicia J., Beaucourt L.
Pressure relief systems in hyperbaric environment
31th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society
7-10 September, 2005 BARCELONA, Spain

19. Galicia J., Van Poucke S., Peelaers K., Beaucourt L.
Diving related injuries treated in the Unit of Hyperbaric Medicine (Antwerp, Belgium) from 2000 until 2005: relation between diving related injuries and in water skills during dive training.
31th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society
7-10 September, 2005 BARCELONA, Spain

20. Galicia J, Van Poucke S, Peelaers K, Beaucourt L
Omitted Decompression Treated in the Unit of Hyperbaric Medicine (Antwerp, Belgium) from 2000 until 2006.
32th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society
23-26 August, 2006 Bergen, Norway

21. Galicia J., Van Poucke S., Peelaers K., Beaucourt L.
First Aid Oxygen in Diving Accidents in Belgium
33th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society
8-15 September, 2007 Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

22. Sven Van Poucke, Raf De Jongh, Roald Nelissen, Yves Vander Haeghen, Philippe Jorens. THE RED-YELLOW-BLACK (R-Y-B) SYSTEM: A COLORIMETRIC ANALYSIS OF CONVEX HULLS IN THE CIELAB COLOR SPACE. Oral presentation at the EWMA 2009 conference in Helsinki, Finland.

23. The use of the PNEUPAC VR1 and PARAPac® in a hyperbaric environment. Fifth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress. Kevin Lathouwers, Sven Van poucke, Yves Preal, Johan Van Canneyt, Guy Vundelinckx, Rene Heylen. Sept Valencia (Spain)

24. Use of a rapid immunoassay in tetanus prophylaxis.
Heemskerk S., MD, Van Poucke S., MD, Boer W.,MD, Jans F., MD, PhD
Critical Care Department, Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg, Genk, Belgium EuSEM 2012 Congress

25. EMuRgency – New approaches for resuscitation support and training in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
ERC 2012

26. EMuRgency - Quo vadis “Reanimation”?
Reanimationsunterstützung und -training in der Euregio Maas-Rhein. DINK (German Interdisciplinary Emergency Medicine Congress) 2013 in Wiesbaden

27.Calibrated vein diameter measurement using vein illumination technology\" Euroanaesthesia 2013 Congress Barcelona


1.Quinidine induced ventricular fibrillation: diagnosis and management by prehospital emergency medical care units.
S. Van Poucke, N. Benameur, L. Besnard, R. Joly, P. Goldstein
JEUR (European Journal of Emergency Medicine) 1998, 11 (3): 150

2.Hémorragie céré©brale et modifications électrocardiographiques.
Cerebral hemorrhage and ECG modifications.
L. Besnard, S. Van Poucke, N. Benameur, R. Joly, P. Goldstein
JEUR (European Journal of Emergency Medicine) 1998, 11 (3): 150

3.Zur Hyperbaren Sauerstofftherapie am Diabetischen Fuss.
Hyperbaric Oxygen in Diabetic Foot Ulcers
S. Van Poucke, L. Beaucourt.
Podologie 22, L, Heft 6, 1999

4.Hyperbaric Oxygen as useful, adjunctive therapeutic modality in Acute Traumatic Peripheral Ischemias.
S. Van Poucke, T. Leenders, V. Saldien, J. Verstreken, L. Beaucourt, H. Adriaensen
Acta Chir Belg. 2001 Mar-Apr;101(2):73-4

5.Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Sven Van Poucke, Luc Beaucourt
BHL (Vessels, Heart, Lungs) 2000, vol 5 (6), 164 - 167

6.Henry\'s Law as Origin for an Unexpected High Volume of Gas Production
Sven Van Poucke, Peter Hens, Guy Hans
Anaesthesiology 2001, Sep; 95(3):816

7.Die modifizierte Anwendung von TenderWet zur Wundkonditionierung vor Hauttransplantation
S. Van Poucke, P Jorens, J Somville, R Peeters
WundForum 2003, 3:20-21

8.Spontaneous Rupture of the Pulmonary Artery: A Rare Clinical Entity
D. Dohmen, L. Beaucourt, S. Van Poucke, V. Schwagten
Acta Chirurgica Belgica: Submitted

9.Pyoderma Gangrenosum, a Challenging Complication of Bilateral Mammoplasty
S. Van Poucke, P. Jorens, R. Peeters, W. Jacobs, B. Op de Beeck, J. Lambert, L. Beaucourt
Int Wound J 2004;1:1-7

10. Automatic Colorimetric Calibration of Chronic Wound Imaging.
S. Van Poucke, Y. Vander Haeghen, K. Vissers, T. Meert, P. G. Jorens
BMC Med Imaging. 2010 Mar 18;10:7

11. Comparative analysis of two methods for wound bed area measurement. S. Van Poucke, Y. Vander Haeghen, Roald Nelissen, P. Jorens. International Wound Journal 2010, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 5: 366-377

12. Evaluation of MP4OX for prevention of perioperative hypotension in patients undergoing primary hip arthroplasty with spinal anesthesia: a randomized, double-blind, multicenter study. Olofsson CI, Górecki AZ, Dirksen R, Kofranek I, Majewski JA, Mazurkiewicz T, Jahoda D, Fagrell B, Keipert PE, Hardiman YJ, Levy H; Study 6084 Clinical Investigators. Anesthesiology. 2011 May;114(5):1048-63.

13. A double-blind, randomized, multicenter study of MP4OX for treatment of perioperative hypotension in patients undergoing primary hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia.
van der Linden P, Gazdzik TS, Jahoda D, Heylen RJ, Skowronski JC, Pellar D, Kofranek I, Górecki AZ, Fagrell B, Keipert PE, Hardiman YJ, Levy H; 6090 Study Investigators.
Anesth Analg. 2011 Apr;112(4):759-73.

14. Hypothermia: effects on platelet function and hemostasis. Sven Van Poucke, Kris Stevens, Abraham Emanuel Marcus and Marcus Lancé.Thrombosis Journal 2014, 12:31

Book Chapters

1.Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Belgium
Sven Van Poucke
Hyperbaric Nursing, Best Publishing Company AZ (USA), p 382; 2002

2.Reperfusion injury. Role of HBO in the process: a paradoxical effect. (Syndrome d\'ischémie-reperfusion: Influence de l\'OHB: Un étonnant paradoxe.
S. Van Poucke, F. Wattel, D. Mathieu
Traité de médecine hyperbare, Ellipses Edition Paris (France), p 100-112; 2002

3.Physiologic effects of hyperbaric oxygen on ischemia-reperfusion phenomenon.
Sven Van Poucke, Philippe Jorens, Luc Beaucourt
Handbook on Hyperbaric Medicine, Springer, Dordrecht, 2006, p 121-34

Research Funding:

1.Specialisation Grant of the Fondation Médicale Mathilde E. HORLAIT DAPSENSE (Brussels, December 7 2000)
Evaluation of Chronic Wound Care in Centres of Excellence 16200$

2.Funding from Institute for the promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT-Flanders) (Brussels, March 2004): Peopleware Project: Clinical Analysis Software for Chronic Wound Care 174.536,-EUR

3. Funding EmUrgency ( Project combines medical expertise with expertise from technology-enhanced learning and computer science.The project is led by the Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies of the Open University of the Netherlands. Other consortium members are: Universitätsklinikum Aachen, RWTH Aachen, Maastricht University, Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (ZOL), K.U.Leuven, CHR Citadelle (CHR) and CECOTEPE ASBL.The project is financed by the European Regional Development Funds, regions from the Euregio Rhine-Meuse and the participating institutions.


1.Co-worker of ASSENT II study (Boehringer Ingelheim)
(Assessment of the Safety and Efficacy of a New Thrombolytic Agent)
Phase 3 study, SAMU Lille, 12/97-12/98

2.Member of Surgical Team Earth Quake Turkey 1999

3.Member of Surgical Team Earth Quake India 2001

4.CANVAS (National TV Channel Belgium) TV Program on Scientists and Scientific Topics (45 min) May 6 2001:
“Oxygen under Pressure”: Dr. Sven Van Poucke and his links with hypoxia, hyperoxia, hyperbaric and hypobaric environments.

5.Member of Scientific Committee of the 28th Annual Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society. Sept 2002

6.RADIO 1 (National Radio Channel Belgium) Jongens en Wetenschap: Discussion on the Physiology of Freediving, Sept 2003

7.RADIO1 (National Radio Channel Belgium) Peeters en Pichal: Discussion on oxygen bars. Febr. 2008

8.Clinical Investigator: HA008: Phase 3, Multicenter, Multi-national, Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Alfimeprase in Subjects with Occluded Central Venous Access Devices. (Nuvelo, Inc 2001 Industrial Road, Suite 310, San Carlos, CA 94070; Genk Belgium 2007

9.Clinical Investigator: A Multi-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Phase III Study of the Efficacy and Safety of an Oxygen-carrying colloid and Plasma Expander, Hemospan, compared with Colloid (Voluven) for Treatment of Perioperative Hypotension in Patients undergoing Primary Hip Arthroplasty with Spinal Anaesthesia. Genk Belgium 2007 (Protocol No 6090)

10.Principle Investigator: A Multi-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Phase III Study of the Efficacy and Safety of an Oxygen-carrying colloid and Plasma Expander, Hemospan, compared with Colloid (Voluven) for Treatment of Perioperative Hypotension in Patients undergoing Primary Hip Arthroplasty with Spinal Anaesthesia. Genk Belgium 2007 (Protocol No 6084)

11.Coordinator Woundontology Consortium (an international organization whose purpose is to create a standard vocabulary for studying chronic wounds. The Consortium shall also provide a central system for organizing information related to chronic wounds. The main objective of the Woundontology Consortium is to develop, curate and share controlled vocabularies (ontologies) that describe wound structures and evolution in space and time, providing a semantic framework for meaningful quantification of chronic wounds by the wound research community at large.)

12. External Expert Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Centre: De Laet C, Obyn C, Ramaekers D, Van De Sande S, Neyt M. Hyperbare Zuurstoftherapie: Rapid Assessment. Health Technology Assessment (HTA). Brussel: Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE); 2008. KCE Reports 74A (D/2008/10.273/13). (

13. DIR-MED during Disaster Plan Exercise on 2008/06/28 as preperation of SANICOLE AIRSHOW 2008/07/20. Hechtel-Eksel Belgium

14. RADIO 1 Interview on Shortage of Emergency Physicians. URL: javascript:openPlayer('');

15. Clinical Investigator Kingfisher Healthcare NV. Protocol Number KFH-2007-001-site Nr 12 (B32220083450)

16. Project Manager PHL Limburg Department Healthcare.(2008-present)

17. Founding Member Ontology Outreach Advisory ( 2008-present

18.INP in study: "A prospective, multi-centre, randomised, double-blind comparison of intravenous dexmedetomidine with propofol for continuous sedation of ventilated patients in intensive care unit" sponsor: Orion Pharma
Additional information

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